Signs Of Trauma In Teens

Unfortunately, many young people undergo difficult circumstances. Some may experience a one-time event, such as a car accident, that leads to traumatic stress. Others face more long-term situations, such as abuse or living in a war zone.

The good news is that there are ways to help teens deal with trauma in healthy ways. The first step to getting treatment for a teen is to identify the signs that they are experiencing trauma. These signs can be subtle in some situations.

Mood Swings

A teen who is experiencing trauma may have sudden mood swings. They may be happy one minute and then angry or sad the next. These changes in mood can be hard for a teen to control, and they may feel more extreme than the mood swings commonly found in teenagers.

Withdrawal From Friends and Activities

A teen who is dealing with trauma may start to withdraw from friends and activities they used to enjoy. They may seem more irritable or isolate themselves more often. In some cases, a teen may even stop attending school or going to work.

Changes in Sleeping or Eating Patterns

A teen who is traumatized may have trouble sleeping or eating. They may have nightmares or flashbacks that make it hard to fall asleep. They may also lose their appetite or only eat certain foods.

Difficulty Talking About the Situation

A teen who is going through a traumatic experience may have a hard time talking about what happened. They may avoid discussions about the event or become agitated when it is brought up. In some cases, a teen may not be able to remember what happened, and this can also cause frustration.

Extreme Reactions

A teen who is experiencing trauma may have extreme reactions to things that remind them of the event. For example, they may become very agitated if they hear a loud noise or see something that reminds them of the incident.

Substance Abuse

A teen may turn to drugs or alcohol as a way to cope with the trauma they are experiencing. This can lead to addiction, and it can also create other difficulties, like withdrawal from school activities.

Get Trauma Treatment for Your Teenager

If you think your teen is experiencing trauma, it is important to get them help. There are many treatment options available, and a trained professional can help your teen find the best course of action for healthy coping skills. 

For more information about trauma treatment for teens, contact a local company. 
